Find Inspiration for Your Furniture Piece at the Manchester Historical Museum This Summer
Have you ever had an opportunity to visit the Manchester Historical Museum in Manchester, New Hampshire? If not, you need to block out some time this summer to go visit, especially now that the Famous Furniture Makers of Manchester exhibit will be featured as the museum from July 1 through September 5, 2014.
As a member of the New Hampshire Furniture Masters Association (NHFMA), I am especially intrigued by events that celebrate the legacy of fine furniture making in the New Hampshire/New England region. Anytime someone contacts me regarding commissioning a piece of furniture, I always recommend that they check out some of the furniture shows and exhibits happening around New England for inspiration. If you want to be kept in the loop about some of these events, be sure to follow my design blog.
The Famous Furniture Makers of Manchester exhibit is part of the Four Centuries of Massachusetts Furniture initiative and celebrates furniture craftsmen in the area from 1760 to present day. In the 19th century, Manchester-by-the-Sea became famous for its abundance of cabinet shops and factories that made fine wood-carved furniture. In fact, there were 43 different shops in this town prior to the Civil War that produced such goods, and perhaps the most famous was Dodge Furniture Company. Patrons of this exhibit will be impressed by the fine Manchester-made furniture, actual tools that were used to make the furniture, information about the furniture craftsmen, and vintage photos to document this unique period of history.
Commissioning a piece of furniture should not be taken lightly, especially if you want to be happy with the results. Please contact me to learn more about how I work and where I often find inspiration.