The Makers Guild at the IDB
Over the past few months, we have moved into our new space in the Makers Guild section of the Innovation and Design Building here in South Boston.
While we moved in a couple of months ago, it is only just becoming comfortable and easy to work in. Every shop takes on an aura of “home” at some point in time, generally dependent on how well it is laid out and how well the group of people work together in the space. And after a couple of months, it is truly a special shop.
No place is without warts, and I wish I could have an extra couple of feet around some machines, but the light, the way the people interact with the outside world, and the general orderliness of the space, make it a stellar workshop. And the air conditioning is fabulous! (yes, that’s right, we have air conditioning, thanks to our landlord, Jamestown and the rest of the IDB, for those few days during the summer when the weather is unbearable)
Right now I am working on several pieces, and the way that we work with, around and alongside each other is becoming more fluid and rhythmic every day. I love this new space, and hope you each will come and visit us
Fort Point Cabinetmakers at the IDB Makers Guild
25 Drydock Avenue, 2nd floor
South Boston MA 02210