Gluing up a desk top
From Boston, where I’ve been working for a few days:
When I’m gluing up a large desk top like this one, almost 4 feet by 7 feet, the challenge is keeping the glue liquid long enough for the entire glue-up to take place, and the clamps to go on. With support structures inside the desktop, and the desire to have no metal in the top, I depend on splines, dominos, biscuits and other devices to keep the entire top aligned. So I have to work fast, methodically and know in advance that all the parts will fit correctly. I do a dry run, make sure I like all the joints, and then disassemble the entire piece and apply glue.
In 20 minutes it has to be together, square, flat, in place and with all the joints perfect. This one took over 30 clamps. It was terrifying.
But in the end, the sun was shining, and the glue-up went off without a hitch. Good thing.
Next up – I have to glue up the legs. But being locked down is difficult., so I’m not sure when I will be in the shop again. Maybe June 1?