An exciting (yes, really) Virtual Opening Nov 20
I have some inspiring news about an innovative solution to visiting in-person! After working with the other Furniture Masters and some museum curators, exhibit and marketing people, I think we have an ability to share our work with you:
- While you are at home.
- In a way that is compelling and powerful.
- And hopefully in a way that will entice you to collect some of our work.
It kicks off on Friday evening with a one hour Zoom (I can hear the groans already – Help me Lord – not another Zoom).
But give us the benefit of the doubt. Come join us. Bring your favorite beverage (I’m going to try a shrub).
It should be not only eye-opening, but also may set the direction for many other exhibitions to come.
And maybe, just maybe, it will bring us all together for a short while.
See you Friday evening at 6pm. The Zoom link is here. I’ll remind you on Friday afternoon. Don’t miss it.
NH Furniture Masters “Alone Together” Virtual Opening
Time: Nov 20, 2020 6:00 to 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 834 9104 4703
Passcode: 890772
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