Choosing Your Wood Type: A Lesson in Cherrywood
I often use my design blog as an opportunity to talk about the various types of wood that are used in furniture making, and I wanted to take a moment to highlight cherrywood.
Due to its natural beauty, versatility, and ability to be easily sanded, cut, and stained, we frequently see cherrywood used to make cabinetry, but these qualities make it also a great choice for crafting any type of wood furniture. While there are several different options of cherrywood to choose from, black cherrywood tends to stand out the most, and it’s not uncommon for this material to be used to make caskets, tobacco pipes, guns, musical instruments, outdoor play equipment, decks, and much more.
Cherrywood has a pale yellow color of sapwood and a darker heartwood and looks very similar to a mahogany when exposed to the outdoors. It’s important to note that the sapwood will never change to the color of the darker heartwood no matter what treatments or finishes are done to the wood.
When purchasing cherrywood, it’s important to take note that the pieces are not warped or full of knots. While cherrywood is generally one of the easier types of wood to work with, it can become very challenging if poor quality lumber is used.
To learn more about cherrywood and some of the projects that I have completed using this material, please be sure to view my online gallery. You can also contact me, Richard Oedel, Fine Furniture Master, to learn more about cherrywood and other types of wood that would be ideal for crafting your custom piece of furniture.