6 Trends to Keep in Mind When Customizing Your Cabinetry
Perhaps no element has more influence on your kitchen’s design than cabinetry. Our craftsmen at Fort Point Cabinetmakers can help you to customize your cabinetry to not only enhance the functionality of your kitchen, but show off your sense of style as well.
When deciding how you want to have your cabinetry customized, consider the following 6 kitchen cabinet trends for inspiration:
1. Floor-to-Ceiling Cabinetry
Eliminate that awkward small space between the top of your kitchen cabinetry and the ceiling with floor-to-ceiling cabinetry. Doing so will offer additional storage space for anything from your everyday dishes to your kitchen linens.
2. Built-In Appliances
If you are the type of person that likes to have a dedicated space for everything, you will love the clean, cohesive look that built-in appliances can offer your kitchen.
3. Unique Shaped Island
While kitchen islands are historically rectangular in shape, trying something out-of-the-box like an oval or pentagon shaped island can add a point of interest to your kitchen.
4. Mismatched Cabinets
The decor in your home should never be too similar, and this rule can also apply to your kitchen cabinetry. A popular trend is to make you kitchen island a different color than the rest of your kitchen cabinetry, which helps to bring warmth and dimension to the space.
5. Cabinetry That Looks Like Furniture
It’s not uncommon in today’s kitchens to see cabinetry that mimics a china hutch or buffet.
6. Glass-Front Cabinetry
Display your china, colorful kitchen accessories, or other collectibles in your glass-front cabinetry. If your skeptical about having glass-front cabinetry throughout your entire kitchen, mix glass-front cabinetry with covered cabinetry for an elegant look.
For additional kitchen cabinetry trends, contact me, Richard Oedel. I’d be happy to talk to you about your cabinet needs.